Why Youth Global Perspectives, Inc.?
After traveling around the world, I landed in a classroom teaching four social study classes (U.S Government, Economics, African Studies, and Sociology). While teaching at an inner-city turnaround school, I discovered something disheartening. Youth that live in low-income households tend to not be afforded the opportunity to travel for fun and educational purposes. Studying abroad in Spain for nearly four months and traveling to over nine different countries, has changed my perspective of the world and individuals who look different than me.
I want every child no matter their economic status to have the same opportunity and experience. In turn, this will decrease and eventually eliminate the need for youth to belittle or lack understanding of other cultures. For this reason Youth Global Perspectives Inc was established March 7, 2016. Let us teach your scholar how to be an enriched and unprejudiced global citizen. I firmly believe that travel is the only thing you can buy that will make you rich.
-Words from the Founder Claudia White-Ross

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” - Agustine of Hippo
Our Mission
The mission of YGP is to provide underprivileged youth with immersive cultural experiences that encourage them to understand their own, as well as, other cultures and share their perspectives.

Our Vision
A world where youth can study, experience, and respect all cultures.